Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ida Jane eats with a spoon!

With the OK from her Doctor, we gave Ida Jane her first taste of the spoon. She did pretty well with it, as you can see:

Here's Dad giving it a shot.

End result? She did very well, taking at least a dozen bites before deciding that the bottle is quicker, at least for now.


Anonymous said...

what a sweetheart and so cooperative. It also seems like she likes being on candid camera.
Take care.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Nana and Papa said...

Great job, Ida Jane. You really enjoyed your lunch, didn't you? I'll bet you can have some more tomorrow. Yippee for cereal. Love, grandma and grandpa

Sarah said...

Yum yum! Looks tasty!
Aunt Sarah