Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First day on the patio

It was a lovely day here in Washington, DC, and mom and dad took Ida Jane out on the patio to celebrate! We had fun sitting outside, watching the dog, listening to the banjo, and talking to one of our favorite toys, Munkmunk.

Here's Ida Jane sitting with Mommy:

Here's Daddy and Ida Jane, both with some very pasty legs.

We brought out Ida Jane's own high chair, so she could sit like a big girl and talk to her favorite toys, like Munkmunk.

And, last but not least, allow me to present the amazing Raspberry Baby!


Nana and Papa said...

What great raspberry photos and sounds! Love the sun hat. Can't wait to see you on Saturday. Love, grandma and grandpa

Anonymous said...

Obviously, lots of fun going on inside and outside around D.C. Enjoy each other. Take care.
Love, Aunt Kathy