Saturday, February 03, 2007

Reading books

Ida Jane loves her exersaucer. Here she is, playing around with the book.

We think her eyes are looking a little green lately, and her red hair is starting to come in, slowly but surely. Here's a nice close up to give you an idea.

I'll be adding another video later this weekend, with some chatter!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see her reading already. She is such a pretty girl and so alert. I'm sure you are all having lots of fun. Keep warm.
Love, Uncle Gordy & Aunt Kathy

Sarah said...

Wow! What a smart baby! I can see she's studying for her actuarial exams already!!!


Sarah. Mike, and Evan

Anonymous said...

Ida Jane's in charge of choosing the best tasting book of the year! Way to go! Love, grandma