Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tree time

It's Christmas time in Singapore, again! Hard to believe we passed the one-year mark earlier last week.

Our little Singaporean girls could be on a postcard for the botanical gardens:

These are pictures from our photo shoot a while back, we promised to put more up, so here they are!

So, Christmas in Singapore. The weather has been really nice lately, a bit cooler and breezier (so, high 80s instead of low 90s, and yes, you can tell). Perfect weather to get our tree up.

Yes, Harper, it will "grow."

Harper provided a tour of the work:

While it has been a year, we didn't have this stuff last year, as it was sitting on a container in the South Pacific. The girls are enjoying their stockings and decorations. "Deck them halls" and all that stuff!


Anonymous said...

Great holiday pictures. Ida Jane and Harper are such sweet and pretty girls. Love you lots. Nana and Papa

Aunt Kathy said...

Seeing the girls and your family in the garden and getting into the Christmas joy made me smile. Take care. Love you.