Saturday, January 02, 2010

Singapore Christmas

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year to all of our family and friends.

Before the actual holiday, we took a family trip to Jurong Bird Park. It was a lot of fun. Check out the macaws hanging out behind the girls!

And the lovely pink "famingos."

Of course, the monorail was the best part.

Always a little safer when there's a mom involved.

Mom and Dad's Christmas wish - our furniture - was not filled until the 28th, but we made the best of it. There was more room to practice on Ida's new scooter:

And plenty of space for the new lego castle.

Or the dwarf tea house.

Of course, one of the best parts about Singapore - you can ride your new scooter outside, right away!

Leaving the boys in the dust already.

And the new spinning chairs provided a new fun place to sit. Thanks, Nana and Papa!

Then it was off for a new spin around the block. Mom finally saw the Merlion, so she feels like she's truly arrived in Singapore now:

Dad and Ida Jane had fun at the Asian Civilizations Museum:

A nice picture by an old truss bridge (second oldest in Singapore):

Then our furniture finally arrived, including our Christmas presents from Baba and Meme. Harper loves her new rocking chair:

And Ida Jane still uses hers all the time. Here we are having some Wii fun:

And here's the playroom, all cleaned up. We took a picture because it won't look like this again for a long time, I'm sure.


Nana and Papa said...

Happy New Year! Love the pictures. Glad your furniture finally arrived. Love you lots.

Aunt Kathy said...

Thanks for the picture update; those two little girls certainly bring back memories of two other little girls who are now grown-up ladies!! The pictures make me feel warm even if temps in central IL are in single digits--enjoy the warmth. Love you.