Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines celebration

It's been fun times in Rockville the last few weeks.

We had some snow to start the month. Snow angels require some serious concentration.

As always, Ida Jane and Harper have a great time with their friend, Fia. Sometimes, Harper and Fia are left a bit confused by the antics of their peer.

Under the bed is a new game, too.

For Valentine's, Ida Jane has learned the unfortunate art of saying "Cheese."

Fortunately, Harper hasn't learned that particular skill yet.

Happy Valentine's day, everyone!


Nana and Papa said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Ida Jane and Harper, thanks for sharing the photos and video. we miss you. Love you lots.

David W. Zoll said...

Your Daddy will be home soon! We will see you soon!
Love, Nana and Papa