Sunday, November 18, 2007

O-H ... I-O!

Ida Jane had a great time watching the Buckeyes send the Wolverines packing. "Go!" is a new part of her vocabulary now, as in "Go Go Go Go!"

She got dressed for the part, thanks to Nana and Papa:

Here she is, cheering on the Scarlet and Gray.

Ida Jane also enjoys playing with sounds. She makes a pretty mean explosion sound, and her raspberries are still a solid A. But lately, we've added a new tool to the repetoire. The echo chamber:


Anonymous said...

Wow, Ida Jane. You certainly grew since last year's OSU picture. You and your dad look great in scarlet and grey (and everything else, too). See you soon. Love, Nana and Papa

Anonymous said...

Ida Jane, you are adorable as usual.We miss you.
Love, Baba and Meme