Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It's been a long couple of weeks here for Ida Jane. Between getting her teeth in (at last count, four were visible, two on top and two below) and getting a really nasty virus that had her coughing and took away her voice, she's been through a lot.

She was too under-the-weather to travel to New England this week, which has been rough on everyone. It would have been fun to see all of her friends and relatives, but, as we know, baby controls the schedule. And, in this case, teeth and virus have been the primary itinerary items.

One thing that helped was the sheer quantity (and quality, Ida Jane would probably add) of her toys. In fact, we wonder if she'll ever get lost in them:

Ida Jane also loves her animal friends, and they love her back. Olivia always makes her feel better.

And Herman is very patient, even when she crawls all over him. It feels better when you play with your friends.

As of now, she's still a little grumpy about showing her teeth off, but stay tuned for mouth-updates. Sorry again to everyone that we missed this week. We hope to see you all again soon.


Nana and Papa said...

Hi, Ida Jane, we're so happy that you're feeling better. It's nice to have toys and animal friends with which to play. Love, grandma and grandpa

Anonymous said...

So sorry about feeling yucky Ida Jane. We had so much fun playing with you and finally meeting! Hope to see you again soon! Love Uncle Tim, Aunt Ami, Grayce, and Maddy