Friday, June 15, 2007

Enjoying the beginnings of summer

Ida Jane has been having a lot of fun so far, and summer's just begun! We've gone to the park for a nice swing:

We went to a great fair in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia (the apostrophe was dropped after John Brown's raid, for some odd reason). The fair featured bluegrass music, lots of arts and crafts, and a model train set that Ida Jane loved to watch. Here's mama and Ida Jane getting ready to listen to some bluegrass.

Of course, with the advent of hot weather, cute dresses appear. Here's a combo that features a kerchief. Ida Jane likes striking a pose in her new clothes.

Mama had her last day of teaching yesterday, and got to spend a nice day with Ida Jane. She got a brand new toy that helps you learn to stand. We saw this at a friend's house, and it's a lot of fun for a teetering baby.

There's no walking yet, but we are learning to crawl. Here's a video that shows how Ida Jane gets from one toy to another.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Anonymous said...

IJ is so fashionable and cute; love her hats. Thanks for the videos. I feel like I know her already and she looks so huggable.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Ida Jane, good job crawling. What a stylin' little girl. Can't wait to see you! Love, Grandpa and Grandma Z

Anonymous said...

Ida Jane in the swing is so cute. She is a real pro at crawling!!! Amy, enjoy your time with Ida. She is a delight. can't wait to see you in August.Love, Baba & Meme

Anonymous said...

Ida Jane love the summer outfits! Remember what your Aunt Ami says....its all about the accessories!! See ya soon!

Sonya Yassi said...

Ahhh... She's so cute! I just got caught up on all the blogs and I looove them! Great pics! I'm glad that she's taking to pandas so well too! =) Thanks for keeping the blog and keeping me up to date! Love you three!!