Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fresh from the sea

Ida Jane had her first trip to the Atlantic Ocean this week. When we arrived on Wednesday at 5 PM, it was a balmy 80 degrees, which would be the last time we saw temperatures anywhere close to that. The following Thursday the high was 55, and on Friday it didn't get above 50. It was supposed to snow that night, and in an underheated cabin, Mom and Dad decided to cut the vacation a bit short. Ida Jane was a bit sad that she didn't get to show off her legs on the beach:

But we sure had a good time while we were there. Here's Mom and Ida Jane on the first trip to the beach:

And here's a picture as the tide comes in:

Here's a picture with Daddy on a visit to Kill Devil Hills, the area just south of Kitty Hawk where the Wright brothers flew for the very first time. This rock marks the spot!

And, last but not least, here's a movie of Ida Jane enjoying her car ride home, thanks to a toy, some songs, and a Sunday Driver from Pennsylvania. ;) Daddy didn't know there was a movie being filmed.


Nana and Papa said...

Happy to hear that you had fun during your seaside trip. Love to listen to Ida Jane singing in the car seat. Love, grandma and grandpa

Anonymous said...

I love to see Ida Jane pics and video (her parents, too). She looks soooo huggable. Maybe I'll get to DC with U. Gordy sometime.
Take care. Love, Aunt Kathy

Sonya Yassi said...

Super cute post! I'm sure she'll get plenty of time to show her legs at the lakes this summer!!

And yeah... Pennsylvania... make up your mind... seriously.

Love you!!

Kris said...

Cute as always! She's growing too quickly! Can't wait to see you at Uncle Mike's wedding!!!
Aunt Kris and Uncle Jeff