Before we get to our feathered friend, we've been absent for a little bit. Time to catch up!
First, after the Macy's Day Parade, there was, in fact, a little Thanksgiving feast, complete with Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, stuffing, sparkling cider, a delicious apple pie, and, of course, the piece d'resistance, a wonderful tofurkey (a non-feathered friend):
Then Nana and Papa came to visit. Here's a picture of Ida Jane teaching Papa what "laptop" means:
Then, as a bit of a shock, a tree sprouted in our living room. Ida Jane thought there might be some sort of mistake:
But even Mama and Dada were a bit surprised when, yes, we were visited by the Christmas Rooster:
Ida Jane was very fond of him, even though we didn't know where he came from.
Eventually he was taken away by the animal folks, who will make sure he has a nice home at a farm sanctuary. He was a friendly chap who enjoyed eating oatmeal and icicles. We'll miss him!
We're busy making pies, sweet potatoes, cranberries, stuffing, and of course the majestic Tofurkey. And Ida Jane has discovered the most wonderful holiday treat of all: the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
So here's a movie of our marching baby. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Ida Jane had a great time watching the Buckeyes send the Wolverines packing. "Go!" is a new part of her vocabulary now, as in "Go Go Go Go!"
She got dressed for the part, thanks to Nana and Papa:
Here she is, cheering on the Scarlet and Gray.
Ida Jane also enjoys playing with sounds. She makes a pretty mean explosion sound, and her raspberries are still a solid A. But lately, we've added a new tool to the repetoire. The echo chamber:
Ida Jane has been learning lots of new tricks and games. One of her favorite is fish face, which can make a yoghurt snack particularly messy:
She's also been getting a lot better about following directions. Her latest favorite toy is a basketball, which she likes to "dribble" (aka "pound on"). Here's Ida Jane showing off her comprehension and slapping skills.
And, really, who doesn't enjoy a good game of hide 'n seek?
All of this playing can lead to "sour hour", the time when the usually sweet Ida Jane is ready to hit the hay.
As you know, Ida Jane is expecting her little brother or sister in the spring. In the meantime, she's learning that Mom's lap isn't as big as it used to be:
(Yes, her shirt says "Not a Big Gagne Fan." I got it for her as a joke, and it's unfortunately turned into a good-luck charm. Not only do the Red Sox win when she wears it, but Francona doesn't put in Gagne, either).
Ida Jane loves to go for walks with Olivia. Here she is, giving us a not-so-subtle hint about what she'd like to do:
And here we are, enjoying the wonderful fall weather:
Ida Jane is picking up some new skills. Here we are, working with crayons. The end result was a bit abstract, but we're on our way to making beautiful art:
This weekend we took a trip to IKEA for a few essentials. IKEA has lots of wooden toys and other fun things with strange Swedish names. Here's Ida Jane walking down the hall with her new favorite toy: the Klapperfisk!
A year ago yesterday was Ida Jane's first day home from the hospital. It's hard to believe our little rambunctious pumpkin was all of 4 lbs. 12 oz. just a year ago.
Lately, she's been having lots of a fun. We visited a farm last weekend, and got to meet lots of friendly animals, like Hal the Mule:
And Oscar the Rooster, who she enjoyed petting:
Ida Jane calls pretty much anything that's remotely cat-sized a cat. And we suspect there's a reason for that. Herman is always at her side. Sometimes, he almost gets put away with the toys by mistake:
There's been a lot of hullabaloo about baseball lately, too. Here's Ida Jane getting ready to root for the Tribe (the Sox were on past her bedtime).
It will get a little tense in the house if the Red Sox and Indians both advance!
Of course, there are the two biggest pieces of news. First, Ida Jane is getting ready to be a big sister! (No pictures of her little sibling are available yet, and Mama hasn't been feeling photogenic lately). We're very excited. The baby is due on April 8, and the doctors all think we can avoid another early entry.
The second big piece of news is that Ida Jane has been a fully licensed walker for a week or so now. She still likes hanging onto things, and quick drops to her bottom are pretty standard fare, but she can definitely move from place to place. Here's a video of her playing with Dada and then walking over to her toys.
Baba and Meme came to visit this past weekend, and we had a great time. One of the highlights was the swimming pool at their hotel! Ida Jane had a brand new suit to show off.
And here she is, swimming with Meme!
Meme and Mama also went shopping with Ida Jane. One of the purchases was this cute little bow, which she wanted to show Baba.
Ida Jane has become quite the human cannonball of late. She enjoys barrelling from one activity to the next. She's really eager to walk, and is learning to get around by hanging onto things or pushing things around, as she shows in this video here.
We had to bid farewell to our friend Ilan (along with Uncle Howard and Auntie Veronique). Ida Jane will miss sharing meals and laughs with her good friend.
We've been experimenting with different foods. I say experimenting because, sometimes, the food is better as accoutrement than it is as a meal, as witnessed by this lovely potato carrot ensemble (available in the Ida Jane Summer '07 collection).
Baba and Meme are visiting soon, so we'll have lots more pics after their time here in Washington.