Sunday, December 10, 2006

Stylish Headband

Good Sunday evening. Ida Jane got all dolled up for a afternoon out on the town. Here she is, complete with stylish headband.

We went to a small gathering of friends here in Rockville and brought a couple of toys for tots with us. Here's a picture of Ida Jane laughing it up after we've returned.

And here's a movie of her telling us all about the big day she had. As you can imagine, it was a rollercoaster story.

Have a great week, everyone!


Anonymous said...

I love the headband - super awesome 80s style!

Aunt Sarah, Uncle Mike and cousin Evan

Nana and Papa said...

What a classy little girl! Great look. Love, grandma and grandpa

Anonymous said...

Ida Jane, You are a charmer!!!
Love the headband--you may be a hatperson.
Love, Baba and Meme

Sonya Yassi said...

Love the sound effects... she's a talker!


Nana and Papa said...

Hi Ida Jane! We will see you soon! Santa might be here! We will have fun!


Anonymous said...

She is just the cutest and so stylish.
Please keep the pictures coming.
Love, Aunt Kathy