Sunday, July 31, 2011

U.S. 2011

We recently returned from our fabulous trip to the U.S. We got to see lots of family and friends. It was a fun-filled five weeks. We started out and ended at Nana and Papa's farm in Ohio...

It was great to see Great Grandmama and Great Granddad.

Hanging out with Nana was a lot of fun.

The girls really enjoyed the great outdoors!

Junior beekeepers!

Ida Jane loved babysitting for Logan.

Harper liked being silly with Hayley

Next we headed to the lake in Indiana...

We were thrilled to see Great Grandma Gerber.

Fun on the boat with Evan and Hayley.


Uncle Steve even stopped by for a visit!

Then it was on to Disney World! We spent 3 fantastic days there with Amy's side of the family.
The girls posed for lots of pictures with the characters and their cousins Grayce and Maddy...

We loved the rides!

Big girls at dinner with Grayce and Maddy.

After Disney, we headed down to Meme and Baba's house in Naples. The beach was one of our favorite places...

The girls got a golf lesson from Uncle Tim and got to ride in the golf cart with Baba.

The Fourth of July parade was a lot of fun.

We were sad to say goodbye to Meme and Baba.

Near the end of our trip we spent some time with some good friends in upstate New York. The girls had a blast with Alexandra and Emily and mommy was happy to spend her big 40th birthday with Lora and Christene.

After five weeks of fun we headed home. We were ready to be airplane free for awhile!

We are getting back into our Singapore groove. Ida Jane loves Olivia!

Harper has been developing her own style. She insists on a braid on one side and a ponytail on the other. She says she likes it because it is different and very special.

What a great summer! It's back to school next week!