Saturday, January 03, 2009

A quick new year update

Just a quick update to share a movie of Harper and a picture of Ida Jane getting her hair cut for the first time. Ida Jane is 28 months on Monday, and this was her very first haircut. This is Ida Jane one year ago, when a haircut was a very distant concept.

And here she is getting her hair trimmed. You can see it was a solemn occasion - but she was very good through the whole process.

In the meantime, Harper is all over the house these days, it's hard keeping up with her. Of course, a year ago we were just hoping she'd stay put until her due date. And now here she is, pushing chairs around the house and (almost) saying "Dada." :)

Happy New Year, everyone!

1 comment:

Nana and Papa said...

Happy New Year, Ida Jane and Harper, thanks for sharing the beauty shop photo, Ida Jane. Love to watch Harper moving the furniture. We can't believe they're growing so quickly. Love you lots.