Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fish face

Ida Jane has been learning lots of new tricks and games. One of her favorite is fish face, which can make a yoghurt snack particularly messy:

She's also been getting a lot better about following directions. Her latest favorite toy is a basketball, which she likes to "dribble" (aka "pound on"). Here's Ida Jane showing off her comprehension and slapping skills.

And, really, who doesn't enjoy a good game of hide 'n seek?

All of this playing can lead to "sour hour", the time when the usually sweet Ida Jane is ready to hit the hay.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Ida Jane, we like to watch you play hide and seek and listen to your sweet voice. See you soon. Love, Nana and Papa

Anonymous said...

"Sour Hour"... I love watching Ida Jane grow. Thanks.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

Ida Jane love the sleepy time picture! Grayce used to suck the same two fingers when she was tired. Love and miss your whole family. Uncle Tim, Aunt Ami, Grayce, and Madelyn

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it- such a cutie pie could never have a sour hour! Thanks for the videos!

Sarah, Mike, and cousin Evan